Your new Monetization Channel

Join premium publishers network to unlock new revenue stream from our partner agencies

We buy your inventory by CPM

In-image advertisements do not overlap with Google AdSense or any other advertising networks' units
30% more revenue

We only sell directly to agencies
and never use open market

Trusted Channel for high-profile brands

Lead by our partner agencies

99.9% positive reaction

with formats that respect your audience, provide a non-intrusive experience for your customers and do not affect CLS
Collecting user feebback in ADBRO network

Our technology serves
fast ads that look great on any page

Asynchronous code does not affect webpage loading speed
Flexible design adjusts to image dimensions
Machine learning matches ads with your article content
Brand safety protects sensitive images and content

Your personal dashboard

to monitor earnings and perform running campaigns moderation
ADBRO Portal for Publishers

Сo-Selling program

with best-in-class creatives and effective results for your advertisers under your own brand
Start Co-Selling
ADBRO co-selling process

We can launch
in 1 week

We provide an integration code to perform the test at your low-traffic sections
You review how the test advertisements look at your website
You get an access to the personal dashboard to monitor your earnings
We launch advertising campaigns delivery on your website